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 ZOMBIES, de tobe hooper

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3 participants
Hisao Tatsuya
félicitation tu es le
félicitation tu es le
Hisao Tatsuya

Nombre de messages : 372
Localisation : 75 / 93 / rome
Date d'inscription : 11/09/2005

ZOMBIES, de tobe hooper Empty
MessageSujet: ZOMBIES, de tobe hooper   ZOMBIES, de tobe hooper EmptySam 17 Sep - 18:34

Hé ouais ca promet, nos amis les zombies revisité par le papa de massacre a la tronçoneuse, comment ca va dechirer rien que l'affiche me met l'eau a la bouche

ZOMBIES, de tobe hooper Zombiehooper5qr

alors malheureusement je n'ai que la news en anglais donc pour les anglophile :

"A while back (here, to be exact) we first told you about a new film that Toolbox Murders writers Jace Anderson and Adam Gierasch are writing for Tobe Hooper, which at the time was being described as zombies meets Deliverance, dealing with a mine that had collapsed years earlier, trapping some miners inside, and what happens when the mine is re-opened. There was no title at the time, but the idea was there and it sounded cool enough.

This morning I got an e-mail from Jace with not only the poster you see below for the film, but word that the script has changed dramatically since we first reported on it, that they’re re-shaping it in some very cool ways and hoping to bring some new blood to the world of the undead. Shooting is expected to start in June for Tobe Hooper’s Zombies, a title that just sounds way too good rolling off the ole tongue.

Look for more info on the film very soon, but for now just dig this incredibly cool artwork!"

le site est ici

y'as aussi dans le même genre le retour des mort-vivants 4 et 5 qui ont l'air d'etre pas trop mal.

ZOMBIES, de tobe hooper Roltd43co

et le 5 :
ZOMBIES, de tobe hooper Roltd52sg

et le lien du site officiel :ici

et pour terminer le trailer ici :TRAILER
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love débutant

Nombre de messages : 251
Localisation : Paris Chinatown
Date d'inscription : 11/09/2005

ZOMBIES, de tobe hooper Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ZOMBIES, de tobe hooper   ZOMBIES, de tobe hooper EmptySam 17 Sep - 19:50

C'est pas trop mon tripe toi même tu sais nuriko!
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loveur master

Nombre de messages : 279
Date d'inscription : 10/09/2005

ZOMBIES, de tobe hooper Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ZOMBIES, de tobe hooper   ZOMBIES, de tobe hooper EmptyDim 18 Sep - 7:37

moi non plus
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ZOMBIES, de tobe hooper Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ZOMBIES, de tobe hooper   ZOMBIES, de tobe hooper Empty

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ZOMBIES, de tobe hooper
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